Frazzled Women
Week 3 – Day 1  God is in Control

Focus:  Focus on God instead of circumstances.

Scripture:  Prayerfully read Exodus 2:1-10.  Open your heart to your Father, asking Him to bless this time.

JOCHEBED and Her Circumstances

God had given Jochebed, the mother of Moses (Exodus 6:20, NIV) the gift of beautiful baby boy, yet Pharaoh had ordered the death of every Hebrew male baby.  How overwhelming her circumstances must have seemed!

The mother of Moses knew God, Knowing Him led her to trust Him to take care of her child.  Hebrews 11:23 tells us she disobeyed the king by hiding Moses for three months.  What a courageous act of faith to place her baby in the bulrushes at the river’s edge.

As a woman who loved God and understood the yearning of her own heart.  Jochebed trusted Him completely with the welfare of her child.  Her faith was rewarded as God inclined the heart of Pharaoh’s daughter to save the child, making his mother his nursemaid.

Underline what you think may have been three of Jochebed’s most intense emotions as she lowered Moses into the basket.

Anger                    expectancy                         hopelessness                    gratefulness

Loneliness           hopefulness                       distress                                                weariness

Fearfulness        desperation                       anxiety                                 determination

Peacefulness     excitement                         helplessness                      victimization

Faithfulness       guilt                                       worry                                    inadequacy

Give a reason for each emotion you chose.





Life Can Be Unsettling

Jochebed was in the middle of an unsettling circumstance yet she trusted that God was in control.  You no doubt have experienced unsettling circumstances as well.

“What causes you to be frazzled?”

Mark an X on the line – indicating how much time you have for each area of your life. Skip the ones that don’t apply to you.  0 = no enough time.  5= adequate time; 10 = too much time.


Building my relationship with my spouse


Doing fun things with my children




Showing kindness to others


Being involved in church


Being with friends


Doing something just for me


Choosing words from the list of Jochebed’s emotions,  List some of your own feelings about the unsettling circumstance of TIME.

Meeting Life’s Challenges

 I’m sure Jochebed drew from her maternal instincts in designing a plan she hoped would protect her baby.  More importantly, she drew strength from her God who led her through a mission to protect and preserve not only the life of her young child but an entire nation of God’s children.  How the Hebrew people would be blessed through the faithful leadership of Moses!

Through Jochebed’s example we can learn two important principles of time management.  First, Jochebed relied on God.  Secondly, Jochebed was persistent.  Her firm faith gave her the strength she needs to do what God called her to do.

Place a check by the items on the last activity with a score less than 5.  How many did you check?  Pause right now to pray, Ask the Father if He wants you to give more time to these areas of your life.  See His counsel about how to spend more time in each area.

It takes tremendous faith, discipline and persistence to manage your time God’s way.  As we work on time management principles this week, be open to God’s guidance.  Perhaps it’s time for you to seek His counsel about what you do with the time He has given you.  Just as He did for Jochebed,  He will reward you with His strength, joy and provision.

What is God revealing to you about how you are managing your time?



As you close today’s study, start your prayer time with this prayer:

Dear Father, I often feel overwhelmed with all I have to do.  There never seems to be enough time to get everything done!  Right now I’m seeking Your guidance.  Please show me how to make the most of my time so I may bring glory to You.  I love You.


Week 2 – Day 3 – The Power of God

Focus:  Focusing on God’s power in your life will help you grow a positive attitude.

Scripture:  Talk to the Father right now, giving Him your love and adoration.  Ask Him to speak to you directly as you read Ephesians 1.  Seek to hear Him as you enter into today’s study.

Stress and Your Attitude

All week Debbie had been looking forward to sleeping in on Saturday.  Every day she had gotten up at her usual “abnormally early” time just to get things done.  Her week was filled with putting out fires – everybody else’s.  People always wanted her to do something but were never satisfied with anything she did.  Every time she made a little progress with her work, she had to add another item to her to-do list. 

Early in the week Debbie promised God she would really try to have a more positive attitude.  She told Him she wanted to spend more time with Him to soak in His goodness and joy.

However, she had an aging parent who took much of her time and a family that didn’t help with housework.  By the end of the week she was exhausted and grumpy.  The only thing she looked ward to was sleeping late on Saturday morning.

On Friday night, Erin, Debbie’s friend, called telling her that her husband, Jeff had to report to work at 7 am. The following day.  Erin was sick and wondered if Debbie could keep two-year-old Carly on Saturday.  Jeff could drop her off on his way to work.

Imagine that You are Debbie.  How would you feel about Erin’s call?


­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­If you listed guilt or self-condemnation among your emotions, you are not alone.  We often feel guilty over our initial reaction to stress.  Describe a recent situation when you overloaded with stress and reacted negatively.


Place an x by the statements that describe how you felt about your attitude.

¾     I hate it when I say stupid things.

¾     Once again, I’ve failed you Lord.

¾     My witness is ruined.

¾     I’m never going to get any better.

¾     As soon as I get a little better, I mess up again.

¾     Other _________________________________

Life can be frustrating; it often is a challenge to remain positive when stressors are continually being thrown at you.   Women generally can handle the big things in life that produce stress.  Perhaps they have planned in advance for them and realize they are coming.  However the accumulation of common daily hassles often sneak up on them and rob their joy and positive attitude.

Look back at Debbie’s story.  Underline the events that could contribute to a negative attitude.  How do you think these events affected her attitude?



What things are accumulating in your life that negatively affects your attitude?



God’s Power is Available

Debbie talked to God about her attitude.  Aware that she needed to improve in this area, she promised Him to do so.  She also longed to spend more time with Him and planned to make this happen.  Her plan, however, rested in her own strength, resulting in major frustration!

Have you ever told God you wanted to “do better”? 


Did you have difficulty with your “do better” plan?


Why do you think people often have difficulty “doing better”?


Even believers tend to forget it is the power of Jesus Christ living within us that enables us to become more Christ like.  In Ephesians Paul prayed for those struggling Christians to realize the hope they have in Jesus.

Read Ephesians 1:20 – “He demonstrated this power in the Messiah by raising Him from the dead and seating Him at His right hand in the heavens.”


The power available to me is the same power God exerted in the ____________________ by

__________ Him from the __________________!   Read Ephesians 1:20 again.  This same power is available to us to deal with other people, situations, and ourselves!

Spend the remainder of today’s study time relaxing in the Lord.  Meditate on the verses in Ephesians 1, focusing on this mighty power that is already yours as the daughter of your Father.  Think of areas in your life where you want to begin to exercise God’s power so your attitude may become more like the attitude of Christ.  After you’ve had time to consider what the Father is revealing to you, make some notes about it.  You may want to think about this mighty power throughout the day and record your findings later.

Dear Father, in my efforts to have a positive attitude, I fail miserably.  Help me to love myself even when I feel guilty for not being more like You.  Remind me that Your power is available to me to do all the things that often trigger a rotten attitude.  I long to be more like You. Cleanse me and empower me with Your love.  I love You.

Week 2 - Day 2

You Become What You Think

Focus:  Dwelling on positive thoughts will help you become positive.

Scripture:  Spend a few minutes with the Father, asking Him to bless your time today.  Attentively read Philippians 4:4-9.

Yesterday we focused on moving a positive direction by listening to you and obeying God.  Hopefully you have identified areas in your life where you could be more positive.  Do you see any of these areas in the list below.  If so, place a check by them.


I need to be more positive:


Ÿ  Wife

Ÿ  Mother

Ÿ  Daughter

Ÿ  Coworker

Ÿ  Friend

Ÿ  Other

Write the negative attitude(s) you need to get rid of in the blank area.


Your Defrazzler this week will help you become more positive.  Have you chosen your “fasting attitude”?  If not, do so now and complete the following.


I’ve chosen to take a fast on __________________________________________

Why? ______________________________________________________________

How will your life be better by taking this fast?  ______________________________________________

Replace the Negative with a Positive

When we toss out that negative attitude we have to put something in its place.  With what should we replace it?  We find the answer in Philippians 4:8.

When we spend time meditating on the Word, we are taking hold of the supernatural power of God.  The benefits we gain by sitting at the feet of Jesus and spending time in His written Word are totally indescribable!  So don’t rush through your devotional time.

Reflect on the words of Philippians 4:8.  Underline the phrases listed below that ought to fill our minds.

A godly relationship                            Scripture                                your dirty house

Beauty found in nature                      your lack of faith                                praise

A broken relationship                         how rotten you feel             celebration

A special time spent with God           Christian music                    your blessings

A dream God has given to you         your inadequacy                 a past sin

It Starts in the Mind

Are you beginning to understand how important it is to think positively?  If you dwell on negative things, you will spout negative words and have negative facial expressions and body gestures.  You can’t think negatively and expect to act positively.

Let’s explore this concept a little further.  To become the positive person God wants you to be you must first examine your negative thinking.  Polling the general frazzled female audience of extremely busy women, I’ve collected a sampling of negative thoughts.

Check by any of these thoughts with which you identify.

o    I can’t stand going home to a messy house after I work hard all day

o    Thinking about cooking tonight makes me irritable

o    If only my husband would help out with the kids

o    Washington, cleaning, cooking, organizing … I never get any thanks

o    This job stinks.  I wish I could do something I like.

o    Life is just on BIG chore after another

o    My children don’t do a thing to help around the house

o    I’m tired of everyday else having a good time while I have to work around the house after working all day away from home.

o    There’s never enough time for me

o    All they do is talk.  Why don’t they get to work?

o    If she weren’t such a busy-body she’d get more done.

o    My husband never pays attention to me.

o    Other ____________________________

All of these may be reality for you.  You may feel that many situations in your life have “created” your bad attitude.  Before feeling justified in your negative thinking, take a look at what Paul (who was in prison at the time of this writing) says in divinely-breathed Scripture.

Place an R by each item on the negative thoughts list in which Philippians 4:4 tells us to rejoice.


If you placed R beside each statement, then you have the idea.  According to Scripture, it’s not a suggestion but a command to rejoice in the midst of all things.  It won’t happen overnight, but with determination you will gradually become more positive.  With that movement of obedience comes God’s grace, His blessing, and a positive attitude!!!

We’ll continue to explore positive attitude building strategies this week.  As we close today’s study look back at verse 8 and the notes you took as you reviewed that verse.  To help you practice dwelling on these things write:


A pure thought: _______________________________________________

A lovely thought: __________________________________

A praiseworthy thought:  _______________________________________________________

As you close today’s study, start your prayer time with this prayer:


Dear Father, I want Your thoughts to become my thoughts.  I want Your words to become my words.  Help me dwell on Your thoughts today, no matter what comes my way.  I love You.

Week 2 - Day 1

A Positive Beginning

Focus:  Listening to God will help you be positive.

Scripture:  Begin today’ study by giving this time to the Lord.  Ask Him to speak to your heart as you read Genesis 12:1-9.

When God told Abraham to set out for a new land.  Abraham chose to listen.  He also chose to be positive about God’s direction for his life.  Abraham’s obedience in his attitude and in his behavior caused him to be uprooted from his familiar way of life yet led him to discover God’s greatness.  He chose to trust even when God’s promises seemed impossible to believe.  Abraham sometimes strayed from the path by trying to work things out his way, but he continued to listen and be obedient as God called for his trust.

You have a Choice

God called Abraham to leave his home and family and go to a foreign country.  Abraham must have experience some intense emotions!

Place a check by the statements describing how Abraham may have felt.

Ÿ  He was pleased God asked him to do such an exciting thing

Ÿ  Leaving most of his family behind made him extremely sad.

Ÿ  Doubts filled his mind as he wondered if he had heard God correctly.

Ÿ  He was afraid and felt very insecure. 

Ÿ  H was afraid of what people might think if he did such a crazy thing.

Ÿ  Although he didn’t understand God’s plan, he chose to trust Him.

Think of a time God asked you to do something difficult or risky.  Underline the words or phrases that describe how you felt.

Afraid                    worried about the outcome

Doubtful                                wondering why God asked me to do such a thing

Impatient              preoccupied with what others might think

Hesitant                 wanting to be obedient but feeling inadequate

Anxious                 other _____________________________

Probably nothing in God’s plan made sense to Abraham in the beginning.  Perhaps that’s how you felt when God asked you to step out of your comfort zone.  However, in going with God Abraham headed in a positive direction.  Anytime you listen to God and obey His words you are moving in a positive direction.

Abraham Made Positive Choices

“[He] went, as the Lord had told him” (Gen 12:4).  Being obedient to the Lord is a sure way to move in a positive direction.  Like Abraham’s experience, your obedience might involve some difficult “moves” on your part.  But any discomfort you experience will eventually lead you to God’s blessings.

Describe a time you felt God telling you to do something difficult, but you did it out of obedience to Him.  How did God bless your obedience?


As Abraham continued his journey of obedience, the Lord continued to reveal Himself and His plan.  Abraham, in turn, worshipped God.  “[Abraham] built an altar there to the Lord” (Gen 12:7).  As you grow in your walk with the Lord and gradually develop a lifestyle of listening to Him and obeying Him, remember to worship Him along the way.  Worship is an integral part of developing a positive lifestyle.  We can rejoice in the truth of Jeremiah 29:11!

Pause and worship your Heavenly Father.  Thank Him for taking care of you and giving you a future with Him.


Seeking God’s direction in every part of life will help us become and remain positive.  The more time we spend with Him, the more positive we will become!!!

In which of the following areas do you need God’s direction to become more positive?  Check all that apply


Ÿ  Attitude

Ÿ  Behavior

Ÿ  Housework

Ÿ  Relationship with _____ husband ___ children ___ friend ____ coworker

Ÿ  Other

Being positive involves more than what we think about.  For the Christian a positive attitude encompasses out whole being.  We become positive by listening to God, obediently following His directions, continually worshipping Him, and seeking His guidance.

What is God revealing to you about becoming a more positive person?





As you close today’s study, start your prayer time with this prayer:

Dear Father, I want to be more positive.  Please make me aware of those times when I say things and act in ways that are not pleasing to You.  Teach me to express myself in ways that truly bring You glory.  Cleanse me from negative thinking and infuse me with your joy.  I love you.

Day 5 Something More

Focus:  Holding on to your faith even when you don’t “feel” like it

Scripture:  Ask the Father to draw you into His intimate presence.  As you think about His love, prayerfully read Colossians 2:1-7

Something is Missing

Patt had been a Christian for many years.  She loved the Lord and enjoyed being involved in Church.  That’s why it surprised her to realize she was becoming dissatisfied with life.  It wasn’t anything she could put her finger on; she just didn’t feel like spending time with God the way she use to; and she wasn’t enjoying the time she did spend with Him.  She was very busy doing good things – God’s things.  All of her free time was spent “doing” things that revolved around her love for the Lord.  She wondered what was happening in her walk with God.  Why did she feel so blah?  When you have experienced a vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ, it’s easy to get discouraged when you don’t “feel” that excitement and joy.

Have you ever experienced a time in your Christian walk when your relationship with the Lord was less than exciting?  If so, look at the following list.  Place a check by the things you think contributed to the distant feelings you have experienced along your spiritual journey.

o   Unconfessed sin

o   Problems with people

o   Difficulty focusing on God

o   God creating a dissatisfaction so that I would seek Him more

o   Being to preoccupied with other things

o   Not taking time to “sit still” in his presence

o   Other _______________________

“Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me, and know my anxious thoughts.  See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting” Psalm 139:23-24.  If it’s your desire to intimately walk with the Father, consider the possibility that some sin in your life may be robbing you of a closer walk with Christ.  After you pray using Psalm 139:23-24 check the statement that applies to you.

o   God has revealed an area of sin in my life.  In confessing that sin to Him, I am also turning my back on this behavior or thought.  I am now restored to His fellowship.

o   As far as I can tell, there are no unconfessed sins in my life.  What I am experiencing will pass as I am experiencing will pass as I stay close to God, allowing Him to lead me into a deeper love relationship with Him.

In Colossians, Paul writes to struggling Christians.  He encourages them to be strengthened and comforted, having their roots firmly planted in Jesus and overflowing with Thanksgiving.

It requires faith to be joyful when you don’t feel the joy.  Life on earth is like that.  Sometimes you juts don’t “feel” happy.  But Paul encourages us to remember what we were taught and to continue to overflow with thanksgiving.

God Causes You to be Thirsty

A void in your spiritual life may lead you to thirst after God.  In one of the greatest invitation ever offered, Jesus stood up in the middle of the crowds in Jerusalem and sais, “if anyone is thirsty, he should come to Me and drink!” (John 7:37).

If you think about it, the reason you first came to Jesus was because of your thirst for Him: your longing to experience His love and salvation.  Throughout your Christian walk the Father will place within you the desire to grow closer and closer to Him.

Briefly describe a time you experienced this kind of thirst for Him.  ­­­­­­­­­­­­­__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Paul viewed intimacy with Christ as the supreme goal in life.  His prayer for believers is that we would “be encouraged and joined together in love, so that they may have all the riches of assured understanding, and the knowledge of God’s mystery – Christ” (Col. 2:2).

Pause and ask the Father to cause you to thirst after Him.  Ask Him to fill you with the longing to become more intimately acquainted with Him and His ways.

Attracted to Jesus

When we get busy doing too many things – even good things – our focus moves from the Lord to whatever we are doing.  We can also become distracted with emotions, people, and time.  Next week we will explore how negative attitudes can shift our focus from our relationship with God to our feelings about ourselves and others.

Paul reminds us to have the roots of our being firmly and deeply planted in Him, fixed and founded in Him so that we are constantly thinking about Him and overflowing with thanksgiving (See Col. 2:7).

Do you believe it’s possible to “constantly” think about Jesus?

o   Yes    

o   No – explain your response 

As you close today’s study, start your prayer time with this prayer:

Dear Father, Thank you for desiring my love.  It’s incredible to know You want an intimate love relationship with me.  Help me desire You more than I ever have before.  I open my heart and my life to You.  I love You.

Day 4 My heart’s Longing

Focus:  Deepening my relationship with my Father by pouring my heart out to him.

Scripture:  Ask God to speak to your heart as you read 1 Samuel 1:1-17.

Unfulfilled Longings

Hannah experienced the heart-wrenching turbulence of a longing unfulfilled.  In the Hebrew society, for a wife to have no children was a terrible trial.  She not only felt lonely and unfulfilled as a woman, but she also carried the burden of feeling she had displeased God.  Since children were viewed as gifts from God, Hannah experienced a deep sense of guilt as well as reproach of others.

Perhaps you are experiencing or have experienced a longing so intense it totally consumes your every thought.  Check the sentences which most accurately describe how you feel now or felt in the past.

o   I can’t seem to think about anything else

o   My life seems robbed of joy

o   I’ve poured my heart out to God, and He doesn’t seem to hear me.

o   I don’t know what I will do if….

o   Nothing else seems to matter to me except….

o   I keep trying to read the Bible and pray, but I still feel unfulfilled.

Often grief and self-absorption can lead to physical and emotional manifestation.  Underline any you’ve experienced.

Loss of sleep                      physical aches and pains                               lack of energy

Loss of joy                           inability to concentrate                                                 extreme weariness

Restlessness                      lack of desire                                                     other ____________

God Knows the Longing of Your Heart

I have listened as many women have poured out their heartaches to our loving God.  The longings are as varied as the women themselves.  While some women long for children, others long for Christian husbands.  Some yearn to serve God in ministry, others are preoccupied with desires for their children.  Whatever the deep desire of your life at this time, be assured that God knows, He understands, and He longs to be the answer to your need.  The words of Jesus recorded in John 10:10 belong to you

If the long of your heart was satisfied at this moment, which of the following would you experience?  Circle all that apply

Joy                                         freedom from worry                      fulfillment

Calmness                             emotional stability                           peace purpose in living

Energy                                  confidence                                         frustration

Feelings of usefulness   other __________

Do you believe you have a loving Father who knows your needs and wants you to experience these things?    Yes  or No   Explain your response.


“In bitterness of soul Hannah wept much and prayed to the Lord” (1 Sam. 1:10).  If you identify with Hannah in the intensity of her longing, then you most likely identify with her bitterness.

Circumstances in life can lead us to bitterness and may even cause us to question God’s love for us.

Such are the thoughts God wants us to bring to Him.  He longs for us to pour out our sorrow, our bitterness, our heartbreak to Him, so He can comfort us and ultimately give us the desires of our hearts.

Pause now and pour your heart out to your Heavenly Father who loves you and desires to fill you with His love.  His joy, and His peace.  Don’t be afraid to say everything that’s in your heart.  He already knows your struggles, but He wants you to lift your inner self to Him

Instead of allowing her distress to get the best of her, Hannah took her sorrow to the Lord.  Prayer is the only way to gain strength to overcome both your emotions and your circumstances.

What God Gives in Return

When I continue to run to Him with my burdens, my focus gradually shifts from my burden to my God.

God always answers prayers.  “I call on the Lord in my distress, and he answers me” (Psalm 120:1).  His answer may not be your way or your timing, but He always answers.  Are you willing to offer Him the longing of your heart, so He may bring you closer into His love and meet your deepest need?  Are you willing to allow Him to give you what He knows is best for your life?

This process will not happen overnight but will gradually grow as you spend time with Him, pouring out your heart and trusting Him to give you His best.

What is God revealing to you today?

As you close today’s study – start your prayer time with this prayer:

Dear Father, I long to experience Your deep love in my life.  Help me turn my deepest longings over to You.  Show me how to trust You to meet the needs of my heart.  Thank You for always answer my prayers and Thank You for giving me Yourself.  I love You.

Day 3 – Hearing When God Speaks

Focus today on Experiencing God by thinking about Him during the day

Scripture:  Read 1 Samuel 3:1-10.  Ask the Father to open your mind to understand what he has for you in today’s study.

The Lord Calls Samuel

3 The boy Samuel ministered before the Lord under Eli. In those days the word of the Lord was rare; there were not many visions.

2 One night Eli, whose eyes were becoming so weak that he could barely see, was lying down in his usual place. 3 The lamp of God had not yet gone out, and Samuel was lying down in the house of the Lord, where the ark of God was. 4 Then the Lord called Samuel.

Samuel answered, “Here I am. ” 5 And he ran to Eli and said, “Here I am; you called me.”  But Eli said, “I did not call; go back and lie down.” So he went and lay down. 6 Again the Lord called, “Samuel!” And Samuel got up and went to Eli and said, “Here I am; you called me.” “My son,” Eli said, “I did not call; go back and lie down.” 7 Now Samuel did not yet know the Lord: The word of the Lord had not yet been revealed to him.  8 A third time the Lord called, “Samuel!” And Samuel got up and went to Eli and said, “Here I am; you called me.”  Then Eli realized that the Lord was calling the boy. 9 So Eli told Samuel, “Go and lie down, and if he calls you, say, ‘Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.’” So Samuel went and lay down in his place.  10 The Lord came and stood there, calling as at the other times, “Samuel! Samuel! ”

Then Samuel said, “Speak, for your servant is listening.”

Intimacy is a Process

The beauty of the process is the joy we experience as we grow closer to the Lord.  Unlike anything else in life, this quest for intimacy is divinely propelled.  God loves for you to desire to grow close to Him, and He longs to delight your heart with His love!  Consider Jesus’ prayer to the Father as His crucifixion drew near.  Read – John 17:13

In our relationship with Jesus, intimacy becomes a goal that is ever before us and is one that we can celebrate each step of the way.

Spend a few moments with the prayer of Jesus in John 17:6-9.  Imagine the Father’s joy when you come to Him, desiring to spend time with Him.  Thank Him for pursuing this love relationship with him.

John 17:6-9 Jesus Prays for His Disciples 6 “I have revealed you[a] to those whom you gave me out of the world. They were yours; you gave them to me and they have obeyed your word. 7 Now they know that everything you have given me comes from you. 8 For I gave them the words you gave me and they accepted them. They knew with certainty that I came from you, and they believed that you sent me. 9 I pray for them. I am not praying for the world, but for those you have given me, for they are yours.

As Samuel thought it was the priest, Eli, speaking to him.  He was quick to response when he heard his name called but did not recognize the voice of the Lord.  3 times God called him, each time Samuel rushed to the elder priest and answered, “Here I am.” After the third time, Eli perceived that it was the Lord calling the boy.

In what ways has God spoken to you?  Underline all that apply

Scripture                              through another person                                               in a song

Prayer                                   nature                                                                  other _______________________

There may be times God is speaking to you throughout your day.  Which of the following might keep you from hearing Him?  Check all that apply.

o   I’m thinking about all I have to do

o   My mind is preoccupied with negative thoughts of other people

o   Financial worries are keeping me stressed

o   My feelings are hurt about what someone said or did

o   I’m not happy about the way I look or feel.

o   Other ______________________________

It’s natural to be preoccupied with life.  Great demands are placed upon you in all the roles you play.  God keeps calling your name.  He is so persistent with His love!  He wants to enter your busy schedule and minister to you and soothe you.

Place a check by the statements that describe your experience.

o   I don’t usually hear God speaking to me during a busy day

o   When I think about Him during the day, I’m more likely to experience Him

o   Spending time God first thing in the morning, before my day begins, usually helps me focus on Him throughout the day.

o   The times I’m most at peace are the times I’m aware of His presence.

o   When I’m around others, I don’t usually experience God’s presence.

o   When I’m stressed out, I don’t hear God speaking to me.

Speak, Lord.  I’m listening.  The fourth time the Lord spoke to Samuel, the boy responded, “Speak, for your servant is listening” (1 Samuel 3:10).  The passage speaks to me of the consistency of God.  He’s unchanging in His love for us.  Just as he continued to call Samuel, He continues to speak to us and pursue us wherever we are and whatever we are doing.

Rank the statements 1, 2, 3 with I being what must take place first for you to become more intimate with God.

­­____  I accept that God desires an intimate love relationship with me.

_____ As I spend more time with Him in Bible study, prayers and thought, He will continue to fill me with His joy.

­­­_____ I choose to accept His invitation of drawing me closer to Him and begin to desire a deeper relationship.

What is God revealing to you to today?

Close today’s study with:

Dear Father, I long to be in Your presence.  As I understand more about how to become intimate with You, I know I will experience more joy and peace.  It’s exciting to think about how You want to spend time with me.  Draw me closer to you.  I love You.

Day 2 - Focus on and think about sitting at the feet of Jesus.  Prayerfully review Luke 10:38-42.

Have you ever felt that identifying with Mary is unrealistic for you?  Explain.

Cindi Wood defines it as being preoccupied with God.  Each day I pull back from all other responsibilities and sit quietly with Him.  Most of the time this is early in the morning when I begin my day.  I read my Bible, sing softly to Him, talk to Him about what's in store for me that day, and pray for my needs and the needs of others.  She goes on to say - she ask God to accompany her on errands and drive around town with her.  She invites him to become involved in every detail of her life.

Cathy Merritt is experiencing this move to Washington, DC all alone, but yet never a lone always with God - I have invited God to go with me on this trip and it has made the time of waiting much more bearable.

Reread Luke 10:38-42 and answer the following (T) or (F)

Martha opened her home to Jesus ____
Martha continued to enjoy His company before going about her duties.  _____
Jesus pleaded with Martha to sit with Him.  _______
Martha became distracted with everything that had to be done while Mary sat at the feet of Jesus . _____
Jesus rebuked Mary for not helping Martha.  ______

Do you ever welcome Jesus into your 'home', but then quickly get distracted?


Find a place you can be intimate with God.  That might be in the corner of your kitchen or a desk where you can concentrate or a guest bedroom or section of a closet.  Just a place where you can go and feel it is inviting, but not so relaxed that you want to go to sleep.

Memory Verse - Matthew 6:33

Then - prayerfully read - Luke 10:38-42

At the Home of Martha and Mary38 As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him.39 She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feetlistening to what he said. 40 But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work  by myself? Tell her to help me!”

41 “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, 42 but few things are needed—or indeed only one.[a] Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”

Accept God on a daily basis.  

Each day come to the blog during this study and read and do what it says here daily.

Dear Father, Thank you for desiring to have an intimate relationship with m.  Bless my desire as I enter into this loving relationship with You and as I begin this study.  I long to experience all the blessings that come with calling your Father, I love You and thank You for creating me and allowing me to be Your girl.  Amen.

Next Tuesday night we'll meet either on a Teleconference call or Skype.  More details as we get closer.

God will speak to you daily and one way he does this is through his scriptures.  

Frazzled Women