Remembering 911 is easy for many of us, because we know exactly what we were doing and what was going on. Remember the lost and remember the families touched by the events of 911. working at the Pentagon will be a reminder of what happened there. Having seen the World Trade Center and going back to NY after 911 it is really easy to see the change and feel the emotion of one of our Nations darkest days. I praise God for taking bad situations and using it for good. I pray you Know God and that you will find peace in knowing him. He bare the wounds of our sins and loves us so much. If you do not know what sin is... only look to the world for the events going on around us to see sin. May God bless you and take a moment to reflect on where our country has been and hopefully will be going. 


    God's leading me here to work and to live.  I am 53 years old at least for a few more days!!!  I will work and live here in the Nation's Capital and pray for God's guidance.  This Blog will be about my life and challenges here.


    September 2012


    The Frazzled Female Bible Study