Most days - I have no worries about traffic, the bus picks me up at my door and takes me home.

The last few days I have been taking the Metro home and then a bus from the Metro.  It was very convenient today.  I had an appointment at 5:00 pm.  Left work at 3:00 pm and got home by 3:30 pm and then left the house for my 5:00 pm appointment.  My appointment was fine  - made it with plenty of time.  Then I left my appointment by 6:00 pm... only to spend 2 hours in traffic.  That was 2 hours to go 4 miles.  I only wish I knew the side streets, but didn't attempt it.

I spent the time, listening to Christian Radio and talking to God.  It wasn't so bad.  I might have lost two hours of my life, but making myself upset or getting upset for hours isn't going to help me or my relationship with God.

I pray that you all will hear my words tonight.  Stop getting upset about your circumstances.  Take what comes as it comes.  You can only do what you can do.  God sometimes wants us to stay in place or traffic.  If I would have gotten out of the appointment earlier - I may have ended up in the accident which was the cause of the traffic.  If I wouldn't have taken the time to listen to music and to the message of the minister on the radio.  The radio minister spoke of being a hypocrite, that many times we think we are righteous, well righteous by who!!!   We are only righteous by Christ blood on the cross.  It is by his grace that we are saved.  Not our grace!!!   So the message made me realize my life has to be an example, but not a hypocritical righteous Christian that is better then or holier then them.  I make mistakes every day of my life, but God loves me and forgives me.

His forgiveness is available to everyone.  

Romans 4:24   
God will credit righteousness—for us who believe in him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead.

 Traffic in life is fleeting, but eternal life in God is forever.  Amen.
When God put us in a place and time - he may have us there for his purpose.  It is strange how everything seems to work out for God's purpose.  

I pray that I can serve the Lord, and I pray that God will put me in situations where I can give comfort and help to others.

1 Peter 5:2  Be shepherds of God’s flock that is under your care, serving as overseers—not because you must, but because you are willing, asGod wants you to be; not greedy for money, but eager to serve;

It is so amazing to me that God's words are there for us to guide us and train us to be his disciples.  I praise the Lord and love him for his Truth, which is the only truth.  

I want to be a shepherd for God's flock and continue to befriend others who need love 
How do we transport ourselves to Christ.  How do we follow and become like him.  We can only follow his lead by knowing his words, the words he spoke to the apostles and others as recorded in the Bible.  

The Bible is our means to finding Christ.  The Truth, the Word as Jesus is often referred to his found in that book.  May God lead you to read the Bible and see Christ.

Today was a wonderful beautiful fall day, 70 degrees and sunny.  I took the bus to work as my car is in the shop.  I almost didn't go, but God led me or kicked out of bed at 7:00 am.  So I had my bus scheduled in hand, my iPhone with Christian music and I was on my way.  Both bus stops that I was at were very convenient and I would try taking the bus again.  It wasn't a bad ride.

So in a sense I was transported to Christ this morning, through his Word, his Music and fellowship with other Christians.

May God lead you to relationship with purpose, God's purpose in our lives.

Safe travels.

People seem to have a problem with public transportation, probably because you are riding a bus with anyone who happens upon.  The community of bus riders I have met so far have been very courteous .  They seem to watch out for each other and it has it's no little dynamics.

So having owned a car for most of my adult life and not being aware or even paying attention to bus schedules or even other being annoyed by being behind a bus that stops and goes.  I really didn't pay attention.  

So here I am transplanted into a new Land, much like Abraham, but in my case most of them speak the same language and may have same or different religious views, but still a new culture and land for me as well.  I am embracing my new life with making new references in my life - so I can communicate God's word to a new and wonderful group of people.

Christ didn't just die for me on the cross.  It isn't about me or now comfortable I am in my skin.  It is about going out and saving the lost.  So how do we do this, well you go out and live among the people and share Christ light.

God's name is like a shelter like no other, his name is the only thing that can save.  Jesus is a strong and mighty tower - just like the song, "Your Name."   

Here is the good news about public transportation, dropped my car off this morning for work to pass the state inspection.  I walked to the Huntington metro and realized they is my bus 9A.  My bus - seem I am taking ownership.  I walked fast and jumped on... and it took me right to the doorstep of my building.  God is good.  Now I have time to write my blogs and do a few chores.  

So my experience on public transportation has been nothing but good!!!   Today it was excellent.  It was there when I was tired and needed a ride.  It was just a matter of looking at the schedule and knowing there would be a bus waiting there for me.  

If we look into the bible we will find Christ - he is on almost every page.  He was there in the beginning and he'll be there in the end, that is what Alpha Omega means.    Let me give you 3 verses on the subject that comfort me.

Revelation 1:8
“I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.” 

Christ said, Revelation 21:6
He said to me: “It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life.

Revelation 22:13
I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. 

That brings me comfort.  - I am sure I will have much more to say about Public Transportation, but I know that God is leading me to give his Light to a fallen people and here I am in a new Land.

You know riding on public transportation is a wonderful thing - especially if you do not have a car or a means to park at work.

Having moved to the DC Metro area - I really am amazed how well the transportation is and works around the Pentagon at least.  I walk out of my high rise - walk down to the end of the building's property and catch a bus that takes me to the door of the Pentagon.  Yes many stops in between, but within 30-35 minutes I am there - no hassle with traffic or parking.

The one negative is that if traffic is bad - we are delayed by these disruptions, but I am not the one driving or getting frustrated.  I can sit back and relax.  So tonight I got on the bus at 4:25 and departed the front of the Pentagon and found myself back at the high rise at 5:15 - 45 minutes later.  Lots of traffic tonight and lots of stop and go.  

I am not telling you about the bus ride to discourage public transportation or encourage this bus transportation for everyone, but people like me - who want the time to think and pray to God - it is a wonderful thing.

Jesus rides the bus with me and I am proud to say - I am enjoying the people and the atmosphere of those who take the bus each day.

May God continue to bless me an
First days are always anxious and a little bit nerve racking, but today was a excellent first day.  I got up early - had breakfast and then walked to the bus stop and went right into the Pentagon and right to work. I was there by 6:30.  

It was a wonderful morning and the day went by fast, I completed some of my on-line training.  It was a good day and I left by 3:45 to catch the bus and was home by 5:00 pm.    I spent time in prayer today and God was with me all the way.

My husband always tells me my shoes are everywhere and that I must have 40 pairs of shoes or more, well he is right about one part of that - my shoes were everywhere.  So when moving into an apartment here in Alexandria, I decided to get organized.

I bought a shoe rack and put it together yesterday.  I also made an inventory of my shoes.  Work shoes - 7 pairs, Sandals - 5 pairs, slippers - 3 pairs, and boots - 2 pairs.   Now that isn't 40 pairs at any rate, but if you have them all over the place you have a mess and it is hard to count them or keep track of them.

Our relationship with God can be cluttered too.  We can put him in one part of our heart, but block him from the other parts, or we can be all over the place.  We can have a great relationship with God on our terms, or be a Sunday Christian.  Feel good by attending the worship, but then go back to our sins.  My shoes are a representative of sin - they can be a mess in our lives, they can be all over the place.  We can choose to leave our lives like that too or we can organize our life around God.  When we focus on God life is more organized.  We can go about our duties and responsibilities knowing we serve the Lord first.  

It is so amazing how living in Christ makes our lives so much better, not perfect, but we can handle it!  We can rely on God to be our guide.  I read something the other day, that the Bible will not die in the hands of Communist, Socialist, humanists or atheists but in the hands of its friends who do not use it themselves.  My friends we need to be int he word - not just on Sunday mornings or when we need to feel good so we pick it up for a quick verse to make us feel good.  

Like my shoes, I must be diligent to take the time to put them in their place, well my spiritual life needs to be organized and I need to be in the word daily and have time set aside for God.

Praise Don for his patience over my shoes, but more importantly - praise the Lord for his patience with me and that he still loves me even when I fall short of his glory.


Today was a wonderful birthday.  My last blog left the impression I was in a bad mood - I was not.  I was very happy person.  I am taking the circumstances of my life and living it. 

Don and I made this decision to have me take this job at the Pentagon and Monday I will be going to work.  I am settled into my apartment and soon - I'll be back to work.

Yesterday the furniture came and everything was put away nicely.  I have a Roku, which I purchased for my birthday.  I also had a massage today!  I was suppose to meet Cheryl for dinner at Olive Garden, but alas, there are many Olive Gardens and this particular road - Leesburg Pike has apparently several.  So Cheryl and I did not have dinner together, because of traffic and other restraints... we ate dinner separately.

I enjoyed my food and took a piece of Pumpkin cheesecake home.

I got home and Janet called me and wished me a Happy Birthday.  Many Facebook friends wished me a Happy Birthday - so as you can see - today wasn't a day of moping.

I love the verses:

James 1:2-3

Trials and Temptations2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.

Sometimes just like Andy my granddaughter - I can have a less than positive attitude.  

I could be in a real funk this week if I didn't have God in my life. Have you every felt so alone and without friends!  You are never alone without God.

Here is a good verse from Proverbs 16:24 "Pleasant words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones"

This week I am fasting - ok not from food, but from a negative attitude.  So when I start to get a negative attitude, I am replacing it with this verse.  We have a helper in the Holy Spirit.  He will guide us and give us the persistence we need in this endeavor.  Just Ask Him.

God spoke to Abraham and he told him to set out for a new land.  Abraham chose to listen.  He also chose to be positive about God's direction for his life.  I feel the parallel between old Abraham and Cathy Merritt.

I set out for a new land all by myself and I can rejoice that the Lord is giving me a great attitude and positive outlook on life.  The journey isn't always easy, but it is rewarding to know I am relying on God and not other people or myself alone.

Think of a time God asked you to do something difficult or risky.  Were you doubtful, wondering why God asked you to do such a thing, were you afraid and worried about the outcome.

Probably nothing in God's plan made sense to Abraham in the beginning.  I know that I feel that way at times.  Genesis 12:4 - "He went, as the Lord had told him."  Being obedient to the Lord is a sure way to move in a positive direction.    Another great verse about plans - Jeremiah 29:11 - "I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

It would be great if my blogs went viral, but God I am not sure that is God's plan either, just finding the blogging helps me deal with my days and deal with my circumstances better.

Yesterday and today could have been frustrating because I didn't receive my furniture.  I don't think they were frustrating at all and I prepared for my Bible study last night and today went about errands and taking the bus around again, to Trader Joe's.  I also got the curtains up with magnets.  A brilliant idea God gave me to try.  

I have my pantry stocked and am ready to relax this evening and prepare for the movers tomorrow.  They called a little bit ago and will be here around 8:30 am tomorrow.

Dear Father, I want to be positive and help me to see when I am not pleasing to you.  Teach me to express myself in ways that truly bring You glory.


Remembering 911 is easy for many of us, because we know exactly what we were doing and what was going on. Remember the lost and remember the families touched by the events of 911. working at the Pentagon will be a reminder of what happened there. Having seen the World Trade Center and going back to NY after 911 it is really easy to see the change and feel the emotion of one of our Nations darkest days. I praise God for taking bad situations and using it for good. I pray you Know God and that you will find peace in knowing him. He bare the wounds of our sins and loves us so much. If you do not know what sin is... only look to the world for the events going on around us to see sin. May God bless you and take a moment to reflect on where our country has been and hopefully will be going. 


    God's leading me here to work and to live.  I am 53 years old at least for a few more days!!!  I will work and live here in the Nation's Capital and pray for God's guidance.  This Blog will be about my life and challenges here.


    September 2012


    The Frazzled Female Bible Study