Today was a wonderful birthday.  My last blog left the impression I was in a bad mood - I was not.  I was very happy person.  I am taking the circumstances of my life and living it. 

Don and I made this decision to have me take this job at the Pentagon and Monday I will be going to work.  I am settled into my apartment and soon - I'll be back to work.

Yesterday the furniture came and everything was put away nicely.  I have a Roku, which I purchased for my birthday.  I also had a massage today!  I was suppose to meet Cheryl for dinner at Olive Garden, but alas, there are many Olive Gardens and this particular road - Leesburg Pike has apparently several.  So Cheryl and I did not have dinner together, because of traffic and other restraints... we ate dinner separately.

I enjoyed my food and took a piece of Pumpkin cheesecake home.

I got home and Janet called me and wished me a Happy Birthday.  Many Facebook friends wished me a Happy Birthday - so as you can see - today wasn't a day of moping.

I love the verses:

James 1:2-3

Trials and Temptations2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.

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    God's leading me here to work and to live.  I am 53 years old at least for a few more days!!!  I will work and live here in the Nation's Capital and pray for God's guidance.  This Blog will be about my life and challenges here.


    September 2012


    The Frazzled Female Bible Study