My husband always tells me my shoes are everywhere and that I must have 40 pairs of shoes or more, well he is right about one part of that - my shoes were everywhere.  So when moving into an apartment here in Alexandria, I decided to get organized.

I bought a shoe rack and put it together yesterday.  I also made an inventory of my shoes.  Work shoes - 7 pairs, Sandals - 5 pairs, slippers - 3 pairs, and boots - 2 pairs.   Now that isn't 40 pairs at any rate, but if you have them all over the place you have a mess and it is hard to count them or keep track of them.

Our relationship with God can be cluttered too.  We can put him in one part of our heart, but block him from the other parts, or we can be all over the place.  We can have a great relationship with God on our terms, or be a Sunday Christian.  Feel good by attending the worship, but then go back to our sins.  My shoes are a representative of sin - they can be a mess in our lives, they can be all over the place.  We can choose to leave our lives like that too or we can organize our life around God.  When we focus on God life is more organized.  We can go about our duties and responsibilities knowing we serve the Lord first.  

It is so amazing how living in Christ makes our lives so much better, not perfect, but we can handle it!  We can rely on God to be our guide.  I read something the other day, that the Bible will not die in the hands of Communist, Socialist, humanists or atheists but in the hands of its friends who do not use it themselves.  My friends we need to be int he word - not just on Sunday mornings or when we need to feel good so we pick it up for a quick verse to make us feel good.  

Like my shoes, I must be diligent to take the time to put them in their place, well my spiritual life needs to be organized and I need to be in the word daily and have time set aside for God.

Praise Don for his patience over my shoes, but more importantly - praise the Lord for his patience with me and that he still loves me even when I fall short of his glory.


Sharon Duncan
9/15/2012 10:17:36 pm

What a wonderful message to read. It is absolutely true.


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    God's leading me here to work and to live.  I am 53 years old at least for a few more days!!!  I will work and live here in the Nation's Capital and pray for God's guidance.  This Blog will be about my life and challenges here.


    September 2012


    The Frazzled Female Bible Study