I am living and learning this Bible Study first hand.  I have been preparing for this study for several months.  I have all the devotionals on the website and hopefully someone will use them to their own benefit as well.

Today - I was hoping to have furniture and be settled in by the time the Bible Study came - I could be sitting in my chair and talking with you glads rested and ready for the lesson, well best laid plans!!!

I could have been upset just by the fact that the mover didn't call or show up, but he did stay he'd be here on Tuesday for sure.  So that is tomorrow!!!   The study talks about Martha and Mary and I have always been a Martha.  I think in some ways God is showing me that "good" things are ok, but "BEST" thing is having a personal relationship with God.  Taking God with me everywhere.  So today... I started with looking for something to over this huge patio door.  I believe the reason it is bare is it cost too much to cover.  I could have spent anywhere from $750 dollars for blinds to $350.00 for drapes, which wouldn't arrive for weeks.
tot I had to do, but I had God with me on the ride.

I do regret one thing today.  I saw a lady who was asking for help (money).  I was busy trying to get directions to the next store and didn't help her.  

So I ended up going to a merchandise store which I guess sells cheap items, but I found 90 inch long panels, I really need 94, but I took the hem out and it is almost 93 1/2.  So just  a little short, but the stool I purchased isn't tall enough to reach the hooks, so after I get furniture tomorrow - I can hopefully hang the rest.  I'll show you the pictures.  The panels were only $7.99 each or 4 for $32.00.  Much better then hundreds $$$$$$.  I will not win a better homes and garden prize, but it will work.

The next thing was I had to go back out tonight to get a utility knife or a box cutter for tomorrow.  Anticipating my boxes to unload!!!!  The first one I purchased would unscrew and it was very stubborn.

So this day could have been frustrating, but it really wasn't and I was able to do a load of clothes, get the hems pulled out of all the panels, get my handout ready for the Bible Study tomorrow night and record the message for those dialing in.  

I also spent time in the word and with God today.  It was a good day and I am glad for it.  These days will soon be over - and I'll be working!!!

Last night it was a beautiful night sleeping with the window open.  It was almost cold when I woke up this morning.

I got up from the air mattresses and made coffee and saw the beauty of the sunrise.  God really does give us so much to be grateful for in this world.  We need not really look far for the blessing in life.  So today, I decided to try another Church of Christ - Non-instrumental in Springfield, VA.  It is really only 9 miles, and  on the beltway, but very nice drive on Sunday mornings.

They had a nice Adult class in the basement which was on Christian Foundation.  Where do we begin with the Gospel with peoples' frames of reference.  Some people are already Christians, some are not, some do not even know what "Sin" really is.  It was very good.  I enjoyed it and will definitely look to return for more.

The minister is young and very good.  The sermon was on Hosea and Gomer.  It was very powerful too.  

The rest of my day was a little bit crazy, I drove and drove to find a JC Penneys - which was almost impossible.  I finally found one up in Maryland, it was only 17 miles, but took me 45 minutes or more to get there.  Then when I arrived - the drapery department really didn't have anything and the lady said they have discontinued many types of drapes - especially the ones for Patio doors.  This is an extra wide and extra long patio door.  I didn't have a measuring tape, but used my new shower curtain to determine it is approximately 98 inches long and approximately  106 1/2 inches wide.  So I have to find something - no wonder they left it bare.

Many people worship a God that is really unknown to them, but even during distressful times in our lives we can survive the struggles, because we know that God is with us.  Paul was preaching to a people who did not know God by name, if you do not know God by name - read these words:

Acts 17:23
I was going through your city and I saw the things you worship. I found an altar that had these words written on it: ‘ TO AN UNKNOWN GOD.’ You worship a god that you don’t know. This is the God I want to tell you about.   

This God you want to know is Jesus and he loves you.  Even loved you even before you were born.  He died on the cross for your sins and mine.  If you do not know what sin is - it is anything that separates us from knowing God.    I pray you will seek a place of worship that teaches the Bible and join a church family.   Have a blessed Sunday night and work week.

It was a little humid, but I took the train down to Old Town Alexandria and walked around.

I decided to have lunch while I was there at the Murphy's Irish Pub.  I had great onion rings and pulled pork.  

It is nice to know that I can get around on the train and everything went well.    Good exercise to help with the calories....

I checked into my apartment building yesterday.  It has a bunch of pluses!!!  One when you buy groceries, you get the cart and load up and take the cart right to the kitchen and unload.  Draw back you have to take it back downstairs.  
It is pretty quiet except for the trash bin is right next to me.  So you do hear that occasionally.  The good thing about that is the trash bin is right next to me.  I can load my trash daily and get it out of my apartment. The Laundry room is right next to that and I'll soon need that.

Last night around 5:00 pm - I got a electronic call from Cox Cable.  Well the message I got was set up on Saturday, but no time.  So all day today... I waited and waited.  I even sat outside for about 2 hours and enjoyed the breeze and checked out the shopping center next to the complex.  Good news - there is a Thai restaurant in there.  So I'll have to check it out - so Don will want to come and visit.  SMILE

Not much else, but the grocery stores are only about 1 mile.  So I can handle that.  I could really walk that far or take the bus, but I'll save the bus for work.

I start officially on 17 September.  Monday my furniture should arrive and rest of my clothing.  I am glad for that.  Some familiar items.  Don and I decided to leave most of the good things with the house, so it would show well.  I will have the older furniture, but it isn't in bad shape.  So I have the two comfortable chairs from the sitting area, my original bed set when we got married and the kitchen table and chairs.  Few tables from upstairs and few kitchen items.  

It will be perfect, because we are downsizing.  The only thing I have spent any money on is getting the cable set up.  I had to buy a modem and router, so that was a little bit, but need to keep connected for my Bible Study and of course talking with Don.

Below are a few pictures of my apartment, unfurnished at this point - well I do have a air mattress.  

Take care and God bless everyone.  I survived being disconnected today just fine.


    God's leading me here to work and to live.  I am 53 years old at least for a few more days!!!  I will work and live here in the Nation's Capital and pray for God's guidance.  This Blog will be about my life and challenges here.


    September 2012


    The Frazzled Female Bible Study